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快訊:2012-7-7 3:47
92.2 Chien Kuo High School Marching Band, Taipei City, Taiwan ←
90.8 Red Deer Royals Marching Showband, Red Deer, Alberta, Canada
89.3 Mankato Area 77 Lancers, Mankato, Minnesota, USA
89.2 Fanfarenzug Potsdam, Germany
87.8 Lakeside Lutheran Warrior Marching Band, Lake Mills, Wisconsin, USA
86.8 Helsingør Pigegarde, Denmark
86.7 Mission Viejo High School Diablo Marching Band, Mission Viejo, California, USA
86.5 Bishop Grandin Marching Ghosts, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
86.3 Calgary Stetson Showband, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
84.3 Fulda High School Raider Marching Band, Fulda, Minnesota, USA
82.7 Glenmore Temple Salvation Army Band, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
82.0 Berittener Fanfarenzug Freckenhorst e.V., Germany
81.7 Hunter School of Performing Arts Marching Band, Australia
81.0 Linkoping Youth Concert & Marching Band, Linkoping, Sweden
75.8 Cranbrook Girls Bugle Band, Cranbrook, British Columbia, Canada
67.2 The Queen's Bands, Kingston, Ontario, Canada
79.2 Calgary Round-Up Band, Calgary, AB
90.3 Calgary Police Service Pipe Band, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
84.9 Calgary Fire Department Pipes & Drums, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
1 Mankato Area 77 Lancers, Mankato, Minnesota, USA
2 Lakeside Lutheran Warrior Marching Band, Lake Mills, Wisconsin, USA
3 Bishop Grandin Marching Ghosts, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Calgary Stampede Showband, Calgary, AB
Canadian Forces Bands
BEST OVERALL BAND: Chien Kuo High School Marching Band, Taipei City, Taiwan ←
BEST CANADIAN BAND: Red Deer Royals Marching Showband, Red Deer, AB
The parade results are in:
First Place, Senior - Chien Kuo High School Marching Band, $1500 ←
Second Place, Senior - Red Deer Royals, $1250
Third Place, Senior - Mankato Area 77 Lancers, $1000
Four Place, Senior - Fanfarenzug Potsdam, $750
Fifth Place, Senior - Lakeside Warrior Marching Band, $500
First Place, Pipe Band - Calgary Police Service Pipe Band, $1500
Second Place, Pipe Band - Calgary Fire Department Pipes & Drums, $1000
First Place, Auxiliary - Mankato Area 77 Lancers, $1000
Second Place, Auxiliary - Lakeside Warrior Marching Band, $750
Third Place, Auxiliary - Bishop Grandin, $500
Best Canadian Band - Red Deer Royals, $2000
First Place, Junior - Calgary Round-Up Band, $1500
Best Overall Band - Chien Kuo High School Marching Band, $1500 ←
Congratulations to all the bands - what a memorable parade!
(翻譯由 Bing 提供) ~機器翻譯參考就好,請自行調整領會!
閱兵結果: 首位、 高級-簡郭高學校的步操樂隊,1500 元的第二個地方,高級會員 — — 紅鹿皇室成員、 1250 元第三名、 高級-曼卡托區 77 增減,$1000 的四個地方,高級-Fanfarenzug 波茨坦、 $750 第五名、 高級-湖濱戰士步操樂隊 500 元第一次的地方,風笛-卡爾加里員警服務風笛、 $1500 的第二個地方、 風笛隊-卡爾加里消防部門管科技鼓所有的樂隊-什麼令人難忘的閱 兵 1000 元第一次的地方,輔助曼卡托區 77 增減,1000 美元的第二位,輔助-湖濱戰士步操樂隊 750 億美元位列第三,輔助-$500 最佳加拿大樂隊-紅鹿皇室成員,$2000年首位,初中-卡爾加 里一輪向上樂隊、 主教格蘭丁 1500 元最佳整體帶-簡郭高學校的步操樂隊,1500 元祝賀 !
◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆20120706 CKMB29卡加利遊行 (30屆後援會,儒奇媽拍攝)
20120706 CKMB29卡加利Day3遊行 (29屆後援會,育銘媽拍攝)
20120706 CKMB29卡加利定點表演 (29屆後援會,閔玄爸拍攝)
20120706 CKMB29卡加利Day3定點表演 (29屆後援會,育銘媽拍攝)
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快訊:2012-7-8 5:47
WAMSB PRELIMS #1 (July 7, 2012) (第1組)
93.3 Calgary Stampede Showband, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
88.9 Chien Kuo High School Marching Band, Taipei City, Taiwan ←
86.4 Mission Viejo High School Diablo Marching Band, Mission Viejo, California, USA
85.0 Calgary Stetson Showband, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
84.9 Red Deer Royals Marching Showband, Red Deer, Alberta, Canada
77.9 Linkoping Youth Concert & Marching Band, Linkoping, Sweden
WAMSB PRELIMS #2 (July 8, 2012) (第2組)
89.4 Fanfarenzug Potsdam, Germany
84.3 Phitsanulok Drum & Bugle Corps, Thailand
83.6 Bishop Grandin Marching Ghosts, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
82.7 Calgary Round-Up Band, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
81.9 Helsingør Pigegarde, Denmark
A Band of Outriders, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
快訊:2012-7-9 5:47
決賽搶第一!CKMB GO!GO!GO!
最新消息可連結Calgary Stampede官網
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20120707 建中樂旗聯隊卡加利世界樂旗大賽預賽 (30屆後援會,家宏媽拍攝)
20120707 ckmb29卡加利Day4預賽 (29屆後援會,育銘媽拍攝)
Calgary Stampede Showband (預賽第一名)
20120707 Calgary Stampede Showband預賽(29屆後援會,育銘媽拍攝)
Mission Viejo High School (USA) (預賽第四名)
20120707 Mission Viejo High School (USA)預賽(29屆後援會,育銘媽拍攝)
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快訊:2012-7-11 8:20
Saturday July 7 and Sunday July 8 Combined
GHM 93.3 Calgary Stampede Showband - Canada
G 89.4 Fanfarenzug Potsdam - Germany
G 88.9 Chien Kuo HS Marching Band - Taiwan
G 86.4 Mission Viejo High School - USA
G 85.0 Calgary Stetson Show Band - Canada
S 84.9 Red Deer Royals - Canada
S 84.3 Phitsanulok Drum & Bugle Corps - Thailand
S 83.6 Bishop Grandin HS Marching Band - Canada
S 82.7 Calgary Round-Up Band - Canada
S 81.9 Helsinger Pigegarde - Denmark
B 77.9 Linkoping Youth Concert & Marching Band - Sweden
WAMSB 'One Wolrd" Scoring System
Gold with Honours LE 95.0 - 100
Gold with Honours M 90.0 - 94.99
Gold 85.0 - 89.99
Silver 80.0 - 84.99
Bronze 75.0 - 79.99
Participant 0.00 - 74.99
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快訊:2012-7-11 12:43
The WAMSB Finals Results are in!!
*Calgary Stampede Show Band, Canada 94.9 Gold H
*Chien Kuo H.S. Marching Band, Taiwan 92.8 Gold
*Fanfarenzug Potsdam, Germany 91.7 Gold
*Red Deer Royals Marching Show Band, Canada 87.6 Gold
*Mission Viejo H.S. Marching Band, USA 87.5 Gold
*Calgary Stetson Show Band, Canada 85.9 Gold
*Phitsanulok Drum and Bugle Corps, Thailand 84.7 Silver
(Best Junior Bands)
*Bishop Grandin Marching Ghosts, Canada 84.4 Silver
*Helsingør Pigegarde, Denmark 82.8 Silver
*Calgary Round Up Band, Canada 82.4 Silver
*Linkoping Youth Concert and M.B., Sweden 79.0 Bronze
Congratulations to all of the competitors on your excellent performances today and during all of the World Championship Competition!!
*Calgary Stampede Show Band, Canada 94.9 Gold H
*Chien Kuo H.S. Marching Band, Taiwan 92.8 Gold
*Fanfarenzug Potsdam, Germany 91.7 Gold
*Red Deer Royals Marching Show Band, Canada 87.6 Gold
*Mission Viejo H.S. Marching Band, USA 87.5 Gold
*Calgary Stetson Show Band, Canada 85.9 Gold
*Phitsanulok Drum and Bugle Corps, Thailand 84.7 Silver
(Best Junior Bands)
*Bishop Grandin Marching Ghosts, Canada 84.4 Silver
*Helsingør Pigegarde, Denmark 82.8 Silver
*Calgary Round Up Band, Canada 82.4 Silver
*Linkoping Youth Concert and M.B., Sweden 79.0 Bronze
Congratulations to all of the competitors on your excellent performances today and during all of the World Championship Competition!!
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20120710 CKMB29卡加利世界樂旗決賽 (29屆後援會,育銘媽拍攝)
20120710 CKMB29卡加利世界樂旗決賽 (29屆後援會,育銘媽拍攝)
2012 建中樂旗比賽在calgary stampede (上傳者:sabrina814kimo)左前方近拍版
Calgary Stampede Showband (決賽第一名)
Calgary Stampede Showband 'The Legend Continues'-WAMSB Finals(上傳者:techcalin)
Calgary Stampede Showband 2012 WAMSB Finals (上傳者:Orina10105)會搖晃
20120711 載譽歸國建中樂旗隊獲世界亞軍-中視新聞ChinaTimes
20120711 建中樂旗隊爭光世大賽奪亞軍-華視新聞TBSCTS
20120711 建中樂旗聯隊 在加拿大榮獲亞軍 - 外館駐地新聞
20120712 世界樂旗賽 建中奪銀 - 自由電子報
20120711 建中樂旗聯隊 15日載譽歸國 - 大紀元
20120711 建中獲加拿大世界樂旗賽亞軍 - 中央廣播電台http://news.rti.org.tw/index_newsContent.aspx?nid=365111&id=2&id2=2
20120712 建中樂旗隊 奪全球亞軍 - 蘋果日報 (有影片)
20120712 為國爭光 建中樂旗隊奪世界賽亞軍 - TVBS
建中紅到加拿大 !世界樂旗大賽勇奪亞軍 - ETtoday
20120712 為國爭光 建中樂旗隊奪世界賽亞軍 - PChome新聞
20120712 演出精湛!世界樂旗大賽建中奪亞軍 - 中天電視 (有影片)
預賽第一名是卡加利Stampede Showband隊,它是地主隊,成員極多且聽說是職業的。三年前26屆看過他們在卡加利牛仔節樂旗賽時以地主隊身分中間串場表演並未參賽,他們參加當時在荷蘭的世界樂旗比賽據說也是名列前茅。的確是很強很壯的隊伍,雖然遇上超強隊伍,不過還是有機會在決賽時搶第一!CKMB加油!加油!加油!
回覆刪除在26屆比賽的場地,Stampede Showband隊的成員多到都擠到牆邊去了,整個就是場地不夠之感,而我們今年人數又真的太少了些!
回覆刪除雖然Calgary Stampede Showband的確是一年表演上百場的隊伍,但是他們並非「職業隊」,他們都是高中生、大學生(22歲以下)。團員來源多是以前高中時參加 Calgary Stetsons、國中參加 Calgary Round Up Band 的人。因為程度好,考進 Showband 裡頭,每年到了牛仔節,也是每天早午晚都要表演,很辛苦的。雖然因為算是牛仔節的「附屬隊伍」而有穩定的資金來源,但是他們真的不是「職業」隊伍。
至於 Fanfarenzug Potsdam,更非職業隊伍,團員平時都有各自的工作或學業。他們年齡層很廣(小朋友到五十幾歲的人),也是每週排練三、四個晚上。
我是維彤媽 許久沒來菇媽這逛逛 沒想到對此次赴卡加立比賽 有如此多的影片整理及報導 您真的很愛建中樂旗啊 其實我自己有時都有女兒是建中畢業的錯覺了 兩年前此部落格剛開始時 我都默默地看文章 看您剪接的影片 那時不會打字 (有點丟臉) 一直想跟您和菇爸說謝謝 希望現在沒有太晚
回覆刪除謝謝菇爸 菇媽的回覆 女兒剛從加拿大回來兩天 就一直說感覺好像失戀了一樣 每次跟建中樂旗出征 都像談一場美好 轟轟烈烈的戀愛 但結束後的失落感很難平復 就像每次的全表演 練到決賽最高境界 也就是最後一次了 不過留在心中卻是永恆的 想必這就是CKMB的魅力所在 有幸能跟著這個團體出征兩次 青春無憾 維彤媽